Tuesday, April 10, 2012

winter walks: right near da' beach!

one of our favorite things to do together (besides pizza-carving and hand-skating, of course) is to take jessica beagle to the beach during the off-season months. The following photos were captured during these various beach excursions. 

cecca remembers a funny joke the cat told her earlier.

"but who's taking the picture?"

cecca sings quietly to herself.

oh my, now here we are at pj hoffmaster under what appears to be, a blue sky.

who is that?

the felt mansion near saugatuck dunes state park.

unbeknownst to cecca, jessie pinches one off during yet another family photo shoot. beagles never learn.

that's a great meal.

jessie and cecca practice for their tuesday night dance-off.

jarrod can hardly stand it.

jarrod unveils his contribution to the cloud competition.

...and we never believed her when she said she could roll her tongue!

oh no, a person has become stuck in that tree.

who is that? a russian dignitary? nope, just cecca.

saugatuck dunes.

a small wildfire had broken out the night before due to high winds and jarrod, being the curious cat that he is, wanted to find the area where it had occurred. we had kind of given up hope that it would be something you could see right off the trail, but sure enough, we rounded a corner and there it was: twenty or so acres burned down to appetite-inducing crisp.

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